Saturday, 27 December 2014

Major surf on 26 December

Chris just sent me a video he took of the huge surf we watched on the beach yesterday.  All the beaches in the Cape Peninsula had warnings about the dangerous surf and sea rescue teams were on standby.  It was quite spectacular!

High definition video at:

Birds and more

Everyday when I wake up I can hear the Cape robin's beautiful song.  Many times the black oystercatchers add to the chorus, and the white eyes are chirping away always.  But yesterday I looked out of the window and saw a raptor flying past, which is quite unusual.  When I looked through the binoculars I saw that it was a Peregrine falcon - what an amazing sighting!  Never in all these years had this bird visited us although we know that it lives on Table Mountain.
On top of that when we went for our usual evening walk we saw the resident Egyptian goose taking her five little goslings into the tidal pool for a swim.  And the hadedas were grazing on the main beach promenade, completely oblivious to all the activities around them.
And then, a bird of a different feather, a young man who told us he was a dancer and uses the beach to practice - just watch the video!

For high definition video go to

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas

We wish all our family and friends a Happy Christmas.  May all of you have a wonderful, peaceful and relaxing time.  I am thinking back to my youth when Christmas was cold and dark and full of wonderful scents and lights and goodwill.  Myy special thoughts are with all of you in the Northern Hemisphere.  It will always be something I miss.
Lots of love
Chris, Gila, Monty and Gypsy

Christmas Eve in Camps Bay

Monty Update

Chris is right to a degree!  He was bouncing along on the beach first with three legs, and eventually with four, so all is good!

Monday, 22 December 2014


Monty is a very unhappy dog.  Friday evening he started to show a bit of a limp.  Saturday he was not happy to get out of his basket, although when we went to the beach he was as always, running up the stairs, walking down the road perfectly well, having a little splash in the ocean and going home without any problems.
Yesterday he had trouble coming up the stairs and was limping all the way to the beach and back on three legs!  We are so upset and so is he.  His favourite friend, the vet, is on holiday.  Now we have to nurse him until 8 January and are hoping for the best.  A bit of ham encouraged him to get up from his basket and walk to the kitchen.  A ride in the car made him smile, and we are off to the beach to see what happens today. Will keep you posted..................

Sorry, can't manage the stairs!  Help me!

Friday, 19 December 2014

On the Beach

Wednesday 17 December was a beautiful day.  The howling wind of the last few days had stopped, the temperature was 27 degrees, the sun was shining, it was perfect!  Over the last year the Camps Bay Beach Front has seen a really amazing change.  The grassy area between the Beach Road and the Beach has been transformed into an urban beach promenade that is really lovely.  A paved path with gentle curves goes along most of the beach and many benches have been placed to allow for a break with gorgeous views of this great beach.

Strolling along there are the most interesting pieces of art installed to the enjoyment and use of all. We have seen many visitors sitting on the thrones - who would not like to feel like a king or queen? Look at our dogs - they were perfect examples!  

 Men at work!

I love the families having picknicks, and the ladies showering after a cold swim!  Enjoy the photographs and come visit.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Hout Bay

Once a month I meet with an Austrian friend for lunch.  She lives in Constantia, and we live in Camps Bay.  So we often meet in Hout Bay.  One of my favourite places is sitting on the deck at Mariner's Wharf .  Why?  Because the views of Hout Bay beach and the mountains as a backdrop are just fabulous.  It is great to watch young and old enjoying the beach, and often, especially in summer, a group of musicians and other performers entertain during lunch time.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Sunday Lunch

When you live on the Atlantic Seaboard like we do it is sometimes really enjoyable to go to the other side of the mountain for a change of scenery.  We have a standing arrangement with a group of friends to meet for lunch at the Vineyard Hotel in Claremont.  It is the perfect spot to sit on the terrace under huge trees, looking out onto a beautiful garden with four giant tortoises patrolling, and Table Mountain as a backdrop.  It is almost like being in another town!  Huge trees that are straight, not windblown like on the Atlantic side, flowering plants  that would not survive in Camps Bay, and a completely different atmosphere.  I can recommend this venue for lunch to anyone.
On our way home we were met with ferocious wind and saw the most unusual cloud formation over Lions Head - a swirling fast moving tablecloth - while Table Mountain was clear.  We were convinced that Camps Bay would be in thick fog, but as we came over Kloof Nek we looked down onto the whole suburb in gorgeous sunshine, just the cloud sitting on Lions Head like a turban.
The wind suddenly died down, the beach was still very busy, and we were happy on our daily walk.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Beach Walks

As most of you know we walk to the beach with our dogs almost every day.  With spring in full swing and the days getting longer we have noticed that the beach has been much fuller with families and tourists alike than all the previous years we have lived here! It is great fun to see everyone having such a good time, especially the young children and the dogs.
The most enjoyable  scene we have seen recently was a party that had set out candles in brown paper bags in the shape of a heart for a marriage proposal.  They were all waiting for the couple to arrive and witness a marriage proposal, what a great idea. It was already getting dark and it was a balmy wind free evening on Camps Bay Beach - the most romantic setting ever!